To Spread the WonderBang Love~

Posts tagged “Wonderfuls

Bring Back WonderBang 2011

The new campaign has BEGUN:
vid #1


Instructions are included in the video description on how you can contact the labels and television networks. Demand to see WonderBang, but please be respectful to whom you contact.

Video responses are welcome! Remember to add the contact information in the video description and make your video title, something like “Bring Back WonderBang 2011” for continuity.  Spread the word to other WB’ers – across other related forums and fanclubs, esp. to our sister-clubs in South Korea, Philippines, Singapore, China, etc.

Thank You for your support!
Nile Lata (FBE)

Being a WonderfulVIP

Have you ever wondered why is WonderBang don’t exactly get bashed (well, only a little)? Why people are accepting of this “pairing” but not of others?

Well, read this account below to know what it truly means to be a WonderfulVIP 😀 And well, I hope you’ll follow this exemplary behaviour 😀

*Taken from the WonderBang Thread @ Soompi by purrple_lover. Take note this was during the 2007 Golden Disk Awards, behind the scenes and inside stories.

(these all relate to golden disc award ceremony)
-whenever wonder girls came on, VIP (big bang fans)
got out pearl burgandy balloon and started cheering
wonder girls O_O idk if it’s true if they switched the
balloons and cheered with wg‘s balloon but i heard
that they cheered and even wg fans that went were
surprised and didn’t know what was going on lol

– Credits: Dream* @ WonderGirls International Forum

What do you think? 😀 😀 It’s nice to see them supporting each other, the fans, I mean 🙂

Go WonderfulVIPs! ❤

Happy 3rd Anniversary, WonderBang & WonderfulVIPs!

Hey guys! It’s 5th October! It’s been 3 years since WonderBang‘s first special stage back in 2007 and yet, 3 years later, we’re still spazzing like it was just yesterday! Wait, or is it just me? 😀

Anyways, I just wanna say, thank you to all of you for continuously supporting WonderBang, despite no collaborations last year, and truth be told, I’m totally having doubts about any collabs this year! I’m planning to mail JYP and YG, asking them to bring these 2 groups together!LOL! Wonder Girls have been giving us subtle hints on WonderBang, earlier this year, through their interviews, and variety shows! Who remembers how many times exactly Yubin said YoungBae was her ideal type? 😀

You guys, WonderfulVIPs have been great! Though there weren’t much news, you helped a lot. Reading fanfics, recommending them, taking part in our one-shot challenge at the forum, etc; I can tell you guys definitely miss WonderBang! You are not alone, remember that!

People may dissed us, saying we’re crazy to be supporting these 2 groups together, but what do they know? Like what our admin, asimpleHigh says,

WE are WonderBang

Always remember that, WonderfulVIPs. Continue spreading the WonderBang love guys~

You can leave any comment you want; messages or even a simple “I Love WonderBang“! I’m just happy to read that WonderBang still has a lot of fans left! ❤

Let’s hope something happens, this year, yeah? 😉

Happy 3rd Anniversary, WonderBang and WonderfulVIPs!

Oh! Do keep a lookout for us! I hear there’s something planned for you guys! 😉


Thank you FamBam & WonderfulVIPs!

Fam Bam and WonderfulVIPs!

Thank you so much for trying your hardest and ultimate best in trying to get a WonderBang collaboration in 2009. Even though our wish were not fulfilled, let’s just look back at this year in a postive way, shall we?

Wonder Girls and Big Bang, in 2009, have been working very hard to do Korea proud. They’re making names in other countries, putting Korean music on the map of the world’s music industry.

Let’s all congratulate our two beloved groups for doing Korea and their fans proud!